I don't have very many hobbies that I do regularly but there are tons of things that I like doing.
If I had the time and supplies, I would love to take up embroidery. I've done it a few times but I think I would be pretty good at it and would like doing it. It's something I can put down and pick back up instantaneously, which I like, and it can travel with me fairly easily, I think.
I also like doing art. If I had a place to do it and store it, and the money for all the supplies, I would love to learn how to paint, draw, and sculpt better.
I also like baking. I have a few signature recipes but at the same time, I hate heating up my tiny apartment and I never eat all of the things I make.
I've mentioned before that I love organizing. It's kind of a hobby, I suppose but at the same time, it's an obsession.
I love music. I can't wait til Sean and I have a house so I can have my piano and cellos and Sean's guitars and my ukulele and all of our vinyl and CD's around me. I'm not that great of singer but I can learn.
Something else I love doing and I'm actually pretty good at is wire-bending. Weird, right? Sometimes I think I should do it as a business. I've seen things like this sold on Etsy and stuff but I've never really done anything about it.
And that was even with crappy pliers!
Anyway, I think that's all.
love, Ellen
Ok, this is where we differ. Hahah I'm terrible at hands-on crafty type things. You should TOTALLY start an Etsy store, that wire bending is awesome!!