Thursday, November 29, 2012

not even december

Happy end of november. It's almost christmas season and i'm feeling... normal. I think it needs to be december, snow some, and then i'll be willing to listen to all the christmas music and buying up the rest of Sean's christmas presents. 

I'm just really ready for this semester to be over and be able to relax and enjoy my husband and our cozy apartment and (i guess) our kitten. Only 1 more week of classes, 3 papers, 1 project, and then 3 finals. deep breath. it'll be okay. 

anyway, just wanted to do a quick update. 
love, ellen

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

just a few thoughts on this day of gratitude (in a bulleted list, like i like)

  • as cliche as it is, i'm the most grateful for my incredible husband. He takes such great care of me and cooks and takes out the trash and listens to my ridiculous dreams and makes me laugh. he's so great and I'm so blessed to have found such a handsome fella to spend forever with.
  • I'm also grateful for my wonderful family who i can't wait to chow down with in a few short hours! I love them!
  • and, as stupid and annoying she is a lot of the time, i'm grateful for my kitty who makes me laugh and (occasionally) cuddles with me. 

I hope everyone has a most excellent Thanksgiving and stuffs their faces with tons of super delicious grub and then takes a big ole' nap. at least that's how i'm going to spend my holiday. 

love, ellen

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Utah Reception

okay, i know it's super late, but i'm gonna do a watered down version of the Utah reception. It really was amazing and i appreciate all the beautiful decor and donations of cookies and chairs and time.
My cousin, Malea, was our Utah reception photographer. These are all her pics and her daughter, Emma's (she was our super cute paparazzo).

like i did with the Minnesota reception, here's a bunch of pictures in (mostly) chronological order with captions. These first few are just couples shots of me and Sean before the party.


 Just LOOK at his eyes! my mr. handsome.
 haha marti hands. we have fun. 
 My guys!
 Our cussin' awesome cake topper!
 Sean's groom's cake! Handmade by my dad. (impressive,right?!?!)
 the guest gift table! cute!
 refreshments, anyone? cookies and milk and water and cream cheese mints!
 This is an advice box. we got a lot of good help and tips and stuff!
 one side of the stage in the room 
 middle of the stage
 the other side with super cute shutters and picket fence!
 guest book and the big D from the MN reception and a handmade paper 'D' made by my cousin (super awesome!)
 The entrance to the party! (and a funny play on our name)
 Bench outside the reception room
 My mom and brothers-in-law!
 the wall behind the line. we have 2 banners that Sean and I wrote You're the ___ to my ____.
 A cute frame we got from the Penny's at our MN reception. SUPER cute!
 Gift table and envelope birdcage. See! AMAZING decorations!
 cutting the cake
 cute. we're the clean kind.
 Scandinavian cup drinking 
 bouquet toss! 
Second first dance

Then we went to the hotel our best friend Jayme got for us and relaxed. The next day we went to my parents' house to have brunch and open gifts. It was really a beautiful reception and lots of fun. 

Let's just say, though, that' i'm glad we're done getting married. It was a lot of work (for everyone, probably more than me), a lot of stress and headaches, and i was just ready to be married to this super handsome, incredible guy. Now we can start up all our holiday fun! 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 
love, Ellen

Thursday, November 15, 2012

married life.

Seriously, i recommend it. highly. it's great to have someone to come home to at night or to surprise with little things like special desserts or leftover beverages or whatever. And it's great to have someone here at night keeping me safe and warm.
(seriously, though, it gets freezering in this joint sometimes and the fiery furnaces frighten me sometimes.)

Over the past too long of time (if that makes any sense...) i've been working like 6 more hours a week and Sean's been working overtime as well and it's not so fun for either of us, but we're coping and getting excited for all the extra funds coming in. Let's just say Christmas will be good.

The only not so fun parts are chores. i love cleaning the house, but i'm not a huge fan of taking out the trash or doing the dishes... Luckily Sean takes out the trash mostly, but i still do the dishes, usually.. it's fine, i'm getting better at not gagging at the really gross wet leftover foods (which is a thing that happens.) working at a food place has helped in that aspect but it's still not so fun.

School is whatever. I just can't wait for THANKSGIVING! a nice break from school and work and just getting to spend time eating and cuddling with my husband. i have to be honest here, cuddling is the 100% best thing ever in the world.

Speaking of stuff, i have to go do the dishes and then get a package from the post office and then French class and then more work. Yay! or something.

okay. love, ellen