Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 18: Childhood

I feel bad for posting this so late but it's been quite a day. Sean and I took a box of junk to the DI and then got a bunch of records for cheap and then ate breakfast at The Park Cafe in SLC. Seriously, guys. If you are ever in the mood for breakfast foods and you're in the SLC area, go there. Everything is so delicious and quick and it's worth the wait. It's just across the street from the Tracy Aviary so you can make a day of it. Then we went to Sean's brother Jeremiah and his girlfriend Kayla's house and ate tons of junk food and watched Star Wars and just hung out. So much fun.

Anyway... Today's topic is on a story from my childhood. How about the time I kicked my sister in the mouth and her teeth fell out.

One day, Abby and I were at our neighbor's house playing games. A common game we would play with these particular neighbors was gymnastics. We set aside an area to practice our hand-stands and marked it off with barbies. Everyone was supposed to stand behind the barbie while the person in front of them did a handstand.

I stood in line right in front of Abby and, eventually, it was my turn to hand-stand. I stepped forward and did the lunge and went for it. As my back foot went up, my heel whacked Abby right in the mouth. I came back down and turned around and noticed that Abby had stepped in front of the barbie (or so my innocent mind believed... as far as I know, I might not have been far enough past the barbie). With eyes welling up with tears, Abby put her hand up to her mouth and caught 2 baby-sized teeth as they fell out as a result of the kick. I grabbed Abby around her shoulders and walked her home where my mom could calm her down and teach her the wonders of the tooth fairy.

And that wasn't even the first time I had ever whacked Abby in the face... there was another time where I ran into her with a gate we would swing on and caused her to need to get her forehead glued.
Oh, my life as the older sibling. I'm sure other older siblings have similar experiences right? Probably. And here is my public apology to Abby: I am sorry for all the times I whacked you in the face.

love, Ellen
aww... isn't she pretty? also, her birthday is at the end of this month! 

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