Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 22: Rant

I seriously haven't figured out why they haven't outlawed socks with sandals yet. I saw two horrible cases today. When I walked into work today, there was a lady with socks and sandals and sweat pants with a gaudy bag and a weird backwards hat. Eugh. Then, as I was leaving, I saw a guy with socks and sandals and a pokemon shirt and flood pants. Excuse me, the 1990's called; they want their weird-o back.

Mostly, I don't even like sandals. There are some looks that are great with sandals but those wearing the outfits are always girls. Men's sandals are the absolute worst, especially when paired with long baggy pants that are just dragging along the ground being ruined with every step. It just makes me sick. Sandals or long pants: pick ONE. ew. Men's feet are just gross. I don't know... they're just gross to me.

And that's my rant.
love, Ellen

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ... I once had a conversation with a friend and I specifically said "only babies can get away with socks and sandals".
