Friday, July 15, 2011

Alright, Alright, I'll admit it.

As much as I'm against Harry Potter and how it sicks me out to talk about it for too long, I did enjoy the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2. it just might be due to the fact that i have a huge huge crush on Matthew Lewis.

Oh, my. Just look at his beautiful face and gorgeous teeth and wonderful eyes and his super handsome suit. i just love it. And he's a HERO! not just to me, but Harry Potter and his mates.
ugh. why can't i like be his best friend and then girl friend and then wife and eternal partner? (yeah, i'll have to convert him. shouldn't be too hard though... right?)

On another note that's kind of the same not but a different blah blah blah. My brain keeps thinking in British. seriously. Didn't think that could happen? try excess amounts of Beatles, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, Harry Potter, Charlie McDonnell, and the Georgia Nicholson book series. So now my brain says things like "mum" and "snogging" and "nervy spaz" and "mates" and that. and it accidentally said bloody but i don't think that counts as a swear because it's in my brain and we're actually in America, not England. whatever.

Anyway, it was great. and I'm awake before noon on the day after the midnight showing where i got to bed at 3:20. but it was worth it.

oh, and another thing that is not on that note at all.
HANNAH and LEXI! I hope your day is filled to the maximum brim with fun and happy things and presents and the likes. You know, party it up. You don't turn 18 or 16 every day! So kick it into gear and rock it. or whatever people say these days.
Love, Ellen.

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