Sunday, March 27, 2011


Idea time!:

  1. double date with batman with Erchap and her... man? I'm honestly not sure. and probalby some other peeps bowling. now just to put that plan in motion... It's gonna take some serious scheming on our part though.... we can do it!

  2. I FINALLY have a pretty good idea for my drawing. I had one idea where I make a checkerboard background and then put Michael Jackson's bod with a cassette tape for a head. But then I really like the idea of a wood texture pattern... So. Here's my final idea: wood texture background, fish inside a coca cola glass bottle. Is that cool? I think it'll be cool. please bless... i'll run it by Mr. O'connor tomorrow and get a final answer. phewsch.

  3. I honestly have no idea (:P) why i do stupid things to myself. I signed up to give a talk and a musical number for class conference. I guess i just really wanted to play my uke and have an excuse to bring it to school. But being the class co-prez, i have to give a talk too. buuuh... It'll be fine. But i'm sure rach is going to make me sing and i've been told that i'm a good singer but i just don't know. i don't know. buuuh.

p.s. i'm going to marry batman. it's just going to happen. He doesn't really know that yet... but it will. it will. i've already got it all planned out. i just need to find the perfect dress and get him to do all the things necessary, but it's going to happen.

Anyway.. i usually write a boatload on this thing but i really wanna go to bed now. (I know... i've really gotta get better at writing during the daytime. i guess that'll just have to come later.)


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