Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I have a serious case of brainmush - an illness of the mind where nothing makes sense, you honestly can't focus too long on one thing, something (or someone, in my case) is always on you mind, often accompanied by needless energy, tiredness (yeah. at the same time), signing the first letters of the things you say or sing in your head, high-pitched voice, and tenseness.
I'm sure there's a better, more technical term for brainmush, but it's what I've got.

I had to do this extra credit project for AP Psychology and there was this poem in the childrens book i did a report on (yes, i'm still talking about the same thing. children's book report = project.) that applies well and is really sweet and simple:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You are my friend
And I like you.

If it was last month or Valentines was in March, i would post that as my facebook status but since it's March and Valentines is a year away, I'll just say it here. because i like it.

I filled out my first ever NCAA bracket today. I have no idea what I did. I think i picked them by associating the names with things i like. SHOOT! I should've had BYU win (hah. Brigham. Young... okay.) but i think i put duke. Let's face it, BYU is just coming into the spotlight, Duke had it all planned out. or so i've heard...

Oh, Hah! I just realized (actually... i tore the page off my page-a-day cat calender. don't judge.) that tomorrow is St. Paddy's day. It's cool though, i have green things. And the grass is out so the Earth will not recieve a pinch. I always thought i was cool in JH and Elem. whenever I only wore green socks or unders so that people would pinch me, i would show them my hidden green, and they'd recieve a pinch from me. Like that ever worked.. hah.

Speakin of JH, I'm SO glad i'm not there anymore. What a horrible place. So full of hormones and awkwardness and popularity contests. The whole idea of JH is a bum, anyway. You go, learn, get some broken-heartage that really wasn't real in the first place, try to "fit in", and boom. But once you reach high school, it's mostly better. Much less hormones (unless you find that select group of sophomores that haven't really matured at all. perhaps since elem.), a whole lot more individuality, better learning.. much better. I'm sure college will be even better than HS, though. because i'll be on my own, serving myself, doing my own thing, being old enough to marry...

Things happen.
THen I blog about them and boom.
much better.

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