Monday, May 14, 2012

Meat Parade

seems like everyone i saw on facebook today had some kind of either great or bummer Monday. And, now that I've seen Office Space, i finally understand the phrase 'to have a case of the Mondays.' I certainly didn't. It might have been that mint truffle bar i had for breakfast or that i watched 2 episodes of Community and and episode of Modern Family and an episode of Parks and Rec all before showering and going to work -which was surprisingly speedy seeing as the cafe only made about 117 dollars- and then coming home and going to like an hour of FHE with Sean. But it might also have been the meat parade called Tucano's.

Seriously, guys. Picture in your mind's eye just a parade of meat samplings gracing your table every few minutes as you also enjoy a salad and other amazing appetizer-y deals. But don't (and i mean it.) fill up on salads and peel-n-eat shrimp and fried bananas and mazzo balls and whatever else the salad festival has to offer that i might've missed because you will regret it as soon as the meat parade begins.

I know i'm not the first to go to Tucano's or that it was some undiscovered thing. In fact, i knew it was a hot destination because every time i asked for a good idea to do for something special for Sean or something, Tucano's always came up. Every Time. serious. And i believed them. Then after Sean and i left FHE because we had the best hiding spot out in the open and no one came and found us, we were looking for somewhere to eat and he suprised me with a fabulous dinner at Meat-Parade-I-Mean-Tucano's. It was great. All the best. And we got desserts to take home and it was just a great day, actually.

I wish Tucano's did some kind of thing where if you recommend them on your blog that you get some kind of discount. but i don't think they do. But here is me recommending that if you're in the Orem/Provo area and have a hankering for various meats and salads, go to Tucano's.

We now return to your normally scheduled program. which is probably you just scavenging facebook for entertainment or youtube for some funny cat vids (which you can most definitely show me if you really want to...) or reading all the blogs... but still. have fun doing it.
also, i have the best boyfriend who takes me to cool places like Tucano's.

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