Saturday, January 7, 2012

"you know what sucks...?"

everything. here's me re-posting this picture of this very quote from scott pilgrim v. the world:
here's the reasons why:
1. (yes, more than one significant reason) got a speeding ticket on my way home.
2. lost my scholarship.
3. my first day back to school on monday, i will be working approx. 8 hours before class.

of course, the last one i succumbed to because my boss asked me and i have to help train 4 noobs that same morn so it was by my own free will, basically.. but still.

you cannot imagine the crap i'm feeling. it kinda makes me wanna shout things like "Dear world, why do you have to hate me so much today?" mixed with some swear words. it kinda makes me wish the end of the world was within 5 to 14 days... then everything would be fine aside from the mortal well-being of the entire planet, of course.

golly gee.. i'm going to bed. my flatmates have friends over and it's 2 in the morning. i guess it's okay. i just really really hope i can go to sleep.

is it weird if i ask ya'll to keep me in your prayers? do people ask that? don't see it as me forcing you into prayer or anything, but it would be nice to have a little virtual hug right now. but if you're not down with that, just give me a mental high-five or something. you know i would for you probably.

okay. that's all. good night.

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