I know what you're thinking... Where is her Thanksgiving post? She went on and on about how great it would be and then leaves us hanging! I'm sorry... Does this make up for it?
Guys, it went just as I wanted it to. It seriously is the absolute best holiday. The food was delicious, the decorations were top-notch, my family didn't embarrass me (or anyone else)... it was just excellent.
Here are some pictures of my [awesome] decor all put together and Sean's pies that got nothing but praise all day long.
This is the banner I made.
A view of the table.
The set-up.
A place-setting.
Sean's pies
(top: Mixed Berry, underneath: Dutch Apple, left upper: Pickle Pie, right: Pumpkin, lower left: Pecan [aka the best one], center: Chocolate)
A canvas I painted and framed (with twine)
I love my family and I'm so grateful that I could be with so many of them on my favorite holiday. And, now that it's December, Christmas season can begin! (Even though I've been having to listen to Christmas music at work for the past few weeks...) Sean and I bought a real Noble Fir tree yesterday and set it up, complete with fleece blanket tree-skirt (made by just buying some cute fleece and safety pinning it. We set it on a table so the kitty won't have anywhere to pee under it. We don't have our decorations out on it yet because they're still at my parent's house... but at least we have the tree!
OH! And, we bought a new couch and rug! Our whole apartment is new, it feel like. We went from an old crappy couch that was sagging so much on one cushion that you could use the other cushion as an arm-rest, to a brand new leather couch that is longer and nicer! (Thanks to Ikea) and a new rug that is orange and has spots on it. Even Erma Gerd likes it!
Yay!! Okay, was that a good-enough update for you? It should be...
love, Ellen