Saturday, January 15, 2011

Go Figure...

I don't really know what to talk about. But i definitely want to post. So that's what I'm going to do.

Maybe I want to talk about how I want to be asked to Valentine's even though it's a stupid and annoying holiday and dance combo. It's probably just because i'm in a dancing mood and my bedroom just isn't cutting it. It might be because i'm out of my nut. Perhaps a concoction of the two.

I keep thinking about college. I really don't want to go because it'll mean I have to start my real life and be smart and do good and stress out and not be lazy and get homesick. and probably cry because i'm homesick. That happens. But i'm also excited because i get to experience the real world, or at least a taste of it. I'll meet new people and date some guys I probably don't even know right now and i'll cook for myself all the time and all that jazz.

One of the things I really hate thinking about right now is how everything will flip. I hate to say it, but I probably won't even know or remember 90% of the people I know now and I won't get to spend my weekends playing with my family. Ugh. it makes me want to take out my hankie right now. But i'll spare you that.

I hate phonies. That was thing on a card in Boxers or Briefs last night and it was in Abby's hand. If she had played that on me, she would've won a 'true' token. I hate when you can see the fakeness smudged all over their faces and you can totally tell. I just wanna ask "Are you making that face because you want us to know that you aren't really thinking what you're saying or just because your brain-to-mouth connection is malfunctioning?"

SBB(M)C is cool. I like hanging out with them because they're cool and we can do anything, basically. Like make up fun acronyms! JGLFC, MGGFC, SBB(M)C, BC(breakfast club...), etc.

I really like my fauxhawk. Except when no one sees it. because it's cool and i want to show it off and then :P. Um... like tuesday or something this girl who's in the "madrigal" catagory of school tells me on our way to math that "You're so pretty, you could really be a model." Well, thanks. At least your not a greasy, creepy dude and his chick-minion at walmart... like that one guy... *shudder.

This has been a wonderful time. but i'm sure you don't really wanna read too much more.
Au Revoir! Adieu! Aloha! Ahoyhoy!
yeah... that last one's a hello... but with every goodbye comes a hello and with every goodbuy comes a hello as well.
thoughtful, right?

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