Friday, January 3, 2014


NOT. I don't want to make resolutions because they last a month and then I'm back to scarfing donuts and watching tv too often. Instead, I'm just going to resolute to keep being myself.

I'm going to keep cleaning my house as often as I do.
I'm going to keep loving my husband and taking care of him as best I can.
I'm going to continue to work hard and do my best at my job.
I'm going to continue to eat food.
I'm going to write blogs.
I'm going to paint pictures.
I'm going to be happy with what happens and remember that everything happens for a reason.
I'm going to be smart with my decisions.
I'm going to play and watch baseball when I can.
I'm going to love my family.
I'm going to keep being happy with myself and my life.

love, Ellen

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