Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I've been really pretty bad about writing this month... Whoops. I couldn't tell you why... I've just been super lazy and... yep. That's it.

Other than sitting around napping, working at a donut shop, and doing general October stuff, I dyed my hair and I'm planning the decorations for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is my absolute most favorite holiday. I love being around my family and eating all the delicious food and remembering all my blessings. It's just generally great.

My favorite holiday used to be Halloween but, as I've gotten older, it's been harder for me to figure out what to dress up as and what to do. I don't know anyone having a party and we live in an apartment where not a lot of kids come trick-or-treating. I have to (get to) dress up for work on Halloween but I have no idea what to be. I thought being Ellen would be funny (because... it would be) or I realized I have Snow White-esque hair and a new big red bow so I could be her, but I don't want to wear a dress to work and I don't have anything that would work with that. Any suggestions? Something easy and comfortable is preferable.

love, Ellen

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