This i am thankful for:
- My family because they're always there for me, they're hilarious, and they always make really yum-tastic foods.
- My ward because they definitely give me something better to do than sit around in my lonely apartment all day. this comes with being thankful for Del Taco for after FHE.
- My friends for supporting me and not hating me even though i can definitely be super annoying and a pain sometimes. and sometimes going out to sushi with me and walmart and just chill and let me riffle through their foods.
- My laptop to keep me company when i can't have anyone else as company. and helping me with all my homework. and containing all my fave music.
- clothes. for doing the job of clothes. and looking awesome. same with shoes.
- food. for being food. Delicious, nutritious, tasty, happy, filling... the best. There's so many kinds and flavors and brands and recipes and temperatures.. just the best. especially holiday food. nothing like it.
- college. as much as i am in love-hate with it, i'm glad i'm there and that i have classes and professors and am learning and whatever. i mean "yayy!" hah.
- My job. I actually really like my job. as much as i don't want to spend 4 hours on my feet making people i don't even know happy with food and then taking their money and all that, i really like making people happy and getting money and getting to know regulars and just chatting and hanging out with my hilarious co-workers. It's really great, especially for a first/food-industry job.
- bathrooms. for obvs reasons. (and i kinda hafta pee right now. lol.)
- my silly kitty. that makes me want to squish the bajeebers out of it regularly. and making me laugh cuz it's funny.
- movies. that pass the time and make me happy and entertained. and also for their ability to connect people of all kinds. "Oh, i don't really like this movie because blah blah." "duude! me neither!" like that.
- my car. that works. and even though i'm certainly beginning to save up for a new one eventually, i'm glad i have this one and that it takes me places and makes me feel safe and happy and all that.
yes. all these things. and I just wanted to finish with a picture of a happy thanksgiving turkey deal. so that's what that was.
Happy Thanksgiving, All! hope your turkey is as good as mine. because mine is cussin' delish.
Love, Ellen