Monday, July 30, 2012

68 days.

I have 68 days to get all my wedding planned and ready and also pack and move out. That doesn't seem like a lot of days. but it sometimes seems like forever away at almost the same time. I'm really excited for almost everything, but i think i'm trying to only have myself be over excited for one thing at a time. Not because not everything is interesting, exciting, or important, but because i am easily over excited and then i don't get anything done.

So right now, I'm excited to move. I can't wait to have my own apartment where i can cook and clean without worrying about roommates or stuff. I'm actually really excited to pack up my stuff and test out a new place. We're looking at a place nearer to UVU, which would be nice so i can get to my 8 o' clock sculpting class on time easier. Woo hoo!

Anyway, everything is great. I honestly couldn't ask for anything better. I'm runnin' late for work so i'll end this short update there. I'll probably post some pictures of progress and funny things next time. maybe like tomorrow.

Love, Ellen

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