Wednesday, June 13, 2012

pudding in my fish sticks

i really think i renamed this blog appropriately because i found out recently that i really like titling them with things that are happening with my food right now because i often eat while i blog.

but that's true. why don't those banquet meal things contain the pudding. now i have chocolatey fish sticks and less pudding. boo. at least it doesn't taste too gross... and the mac is good.

i've been working a lot this week. well... a lot for it being only a part time job... i've got almost 6 hours every day except friday. I clocked out today with 16.24 hours under my belt. honestly, i could handle this every day, probably, but i do like having some 'me time' in the mornings.

So i have this bruise.. it's really like 4 bruises connected. it's really gross. i was considering posting a picture of it but the pictures i took look stupid. but seriously, it's pretty gross looking. people sometimes ask me 'is it your boyfriend?' and i say 'no, it was a stupid spinning seat thing at a park...' and it was. There's this thing that you sit on and it spins around and it looks like this:

artist rendition via microsoft paint
Anyway, I sat on the black part held onto the metal pole for dear life and then this giant that i know named Aaron came and spun the living life right outta me and, i nearly died. not really, but i have a gnarly bruise to show for it. at least the intense nausea that followed has now subsided...

We're gonna feed Reggie tonight. Reggie is Sean's pet snake. He's cute. also, we're listening to vinyl. Sean got a record player the other day and now we listen to it a lot. it's great great great. 

anyway, we're gonna eat some tortellini and then get some Reggie food. the end.
love, Ellen. 

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