but no seriously.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best best best best boyfriend in the universe, Sean. I hope it's as kick-awesome as i am planning and that you'll love love love your gift {but i already know you will}. I cannot wait to give it to you. seriously. i keep wanting to give you hints, but i won't. because i want you to be so excited for it. and you will be. and i am. or something.
Also, I Love You. completely. There's no better way to say it. I just do and it's plain and simple. I love you. and i can't say it enough.
I can't wait to go to Phoenix with you! It's going to be so fun and great. just awesome. Seriously cannot wait.
Sean's name is Earl.
(photo/chocolate credit: my parents, quote credit: Marcus Penny)
But f'realz. I Love You, Sean, and I hope you have the best best birthday in the history of birthdays.
love, Ellen.