Friday, January 18, 2013

on beverages

People think it's weird when I call drinks beverages sometimes. It's just a thing I've always done.

Anyway, Sean and I are drinkers. Not the alcohol or coffee type, but anything else, you might just find in our house. We have a mini fridge mere inches away from our couch stocked full of cans of root beer, American Classic cola, Mountain Dew (or off-brand type), Dr. K (off-brand Dr. Pepper), glass bottles of Crush Grape, and then a couple 12 packs that didn't fit in the fridge.

Tonight at Walmart, we went to get gatorade, a thermometer and possibly more meds and brake fluid (turns out we already have those last two things) and came home with an 8 pack of gatorade, a gallon of milk, orange juice, 3 propels, 4 cans of chicken noodle soup, a can of chicken broth,  a box of salted caramel hot chocolate mix (that I can't wait to try!), cereal, a lemon, honey, and a thermometer. Not a single one of those things does not have to do with a drink (except the thermometer, unless you count saliva). I guess we're just overly thirsty.

How about we throw some literary spin on all of this and call it a metaphor. We're always thirsty. Thirsty for creative flow. We always want to pour creative juices onto canvases and pages via paint and words and other vehicles and we just need liquids to quench the thirst from constantly pouring. or not. it could be that we are just occasionally dehydrated and need to quench our actual thirst.

to sum all this up, here's a picture of some of our art:
love, ellen

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