Monday, September 30, 2013



So I'm on my period and it has been one of the most gnarly periods I've ever had - cramps, moodiness, headaches and bodyaches... the works. I couldn't sleep last night hardly at all. I was so sick and uncomfortable... it was a nightmare. I got up at least 3 times before Sean just got up from bed and came and gave me a good hug. I started crying, of course. We sat on the couch for a minute and then decided some Midol would be nice so we threw on some clothes and ran to walmart and grabbed some meds and a 2 lb bag of redvines (for Sean because he deserved it).

We got home and put on Return of the King and tried to sleep. We tried so hard to fall asleep and then I went and threw up and then Sean had to go to bed or else today would be a disaster for him. I turned off the movie and followed him in. I was so uncomfortable and I had the feeling that I needed a blessing. We both got up again (at this point, it was about 3:30 in the morning) and Sean gave me a blessing and then I gave him the biggest hug I could ever give him and I cried (again) and told him how much I appreciated him.

Guys, I seriously have the BEST husband. I love the bajeebers out of him. He's so dang handsome and nice and sweet and goofy and my best friend.

I'm so excited for this weekend because it's going to be SO fun and I love being able to get away with Sean. We're going to just relax and explore Salt Lake and it's going to be great. I just hope I don't feel gross... at least Aunt Flo won't be in town that weekend. phew.

Anyway, Happy Almost October!
love, Ellen

1 comment:

  1. Aw man...the struggles of being a woman. I find that hugging a hot water bottle helps sometimes, also drinking some gingerale with ice...hope you're feeling better!! Sean sounds so sweet. Have a great weekend exploring Salt Lake! :-)
