Monday, July 29, 2013

So many dishes.

Sorry I've been out for the past while... I have no excuses. I've been around... I just haven't felt like writing. Plus, you could say I've been saving up my writing for next month. The challenge starts on Thursday, are you ready? 

To explain the title, yesterday was a lazy Sunday. I wasn't feeling very well (headache, mostly) but Sean made me some amazing noodle crab salad (because he's a great husband) and it was super tasty. Along with delicious food comes gross dirty dishes. Also, I made blueberry muffins yesterday morning so there's some of that in there too. I just got home from work and the stack of bowls and forks and things is just staring me down and here I am, on the couch watching Pregnant & Dating because I'm crazy and watch dumb shows. (p.s. I am SO glad I'm not pregnant or dating. It sounds like a nightmare.)

I can't wait to live in a place with a dishwasher. I can't wait to just rinse things off and throw them in a dishwasher. Easy peasy. 

And now I want to make chocolate chip cookies but we don't have any chocolate chips. Life's rough. 

Okay, I've got to give in. Time to go tackle the kitchen beast. Wish me luck.

love, Ellen

1 comment:

  1. Even with a dishwasher you would be surprised how the dishes still manage to pile up... :/
